The Bad News

Because we have sinned against the “glory of God,” we now deserve death. Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death.” 

Romans 6:23

For the


of sin



Anyone who works for a living understands that you receive payment for the job that you perform. That is, you earn a certain wage. In the same way, since all have sinned against God’s moral laws, or standards, our wage is death. The Bible uses the word “death” to refer to both physical and spiritual death and literally implies a separation. As sinners we have been separated from God, not because He doesn’t love us but because He is a righteous, just and holy God. Because of our sin, we have become enemies of God (Romans 5:10). As a result, He must punish and bring His wrath upon sin. 

God’s wrath is not to be taken lightly. Many people have rejected or ignored God’s wrath and in so doing, will be spending eternity separated from Him in Hell. Now before you start thinking and accusing me of being cruel or narrow-minded please understand that this is not my opinion, but it is what God’s Word speaks of. The reality of Hell is a central teaching of the Biblical prophets, the apostles and of Jesus Christ himself. Jesus consistently spoke of God’s wrath and the reality of Hell. So, again, please understand that this is not my opinion, but I must communicate this truth or else I would be guilty of not teaching the truth of God’s Word with you or the Hmong. This is what God has called me to do. (If you would like to discuss more about this subject please contact me. I would love to show you why I believe God’s Word is true in all it teaches.)    

Now for the good here

© 2021